Friday, October 5, 2007

Gotta love Krogers :D

Mil, baby girl & I went to Krogers earlier and I got 10 little poundcakes for $10! That should kill my sweet-tooth for a little while LOL we did get lots of fruits and veggies though hehe but I just couldn't pass up a good deal ;) A tasty one at that! And although I've been being frugal, I've made a few changes to my shopping. I've been buying organic milk & lean meats and WOW its amazing......I can drink milk again without puking! And my meat goes so much farther!!!!!! WOOOHOOOOO! Its so worth the extra dollars.

Sorry I've been MIA lately~been cooped in the house so I had nothing exciting to blog about inless you wanna hear about baby girl playing with her poo, the exciting 3 loads of laundry I did and the flies that I can't get rid of LOL sooooooo interesting!


Courtney said...

Ohh way to go mama!! Is Kroger having another sale?? We need to go grocery shopping, maybe tomorrow! Hope you enjoy the cakes!! :)

Mrs.Frugal said...

Thanks! I'm not sure but I saw alot of stuff on sale. I got 4 Tony's frozen pizzas for $4!