Thursday, September 20, 2007

Babyfest 2007

Just got back from Babyfest '07 and it was great! LOTS of yummy food and drinks (i stuffed myself lol) and I won 1 free basket, got a free gift bag and 1 other bag!!! Heres what was in them:

-johnsons baby wash (about 3 of them)
-johnsons baby lotion (about 3)
-2 packs diaper pins
-gerber prefolds
-2 homemade blankies (huge!)
-1 toothbrush for dd
-2 pairs homemade blue booties
-2 baby boy gowns
-1 pop holder
-a sucker shaped like a baby foot lol
-a nice magnetic frame
-the basket my freebies came in (i kept it and used it for potpourri)
-1 paci w/holder that clips onto baby's shirt
-some travel sized candy bars (yum!)
-a bottle
-3 baby washrags

WOW! And there were TONS of mommas and pg ladies there and soooo many beautiful newborns and toddlers <3


I went to use the bathroom and accidently opened the door of a stall w/a pg woman in it (eek!) I didn't see anything thankfully and the dern door kept opening so I had to go back & close it (BLUSH) LOL

DD stayed in the childcare area and I kept peeking at her....she was having a blast in the pop-up tunnel lol and stole a cookie right off one of the caretakers plates! *giggle* they came & asked me if she could have it so I said yes. Lil turd!

Now were watching the Sesame St. movie that I got from the library for my baby girl and I'm making some fettichini alfredo :-)


La, La, La, Laini! said...

WOW! You know I'm going to ask for pictures!

Mrs.Frugal said...

Posted a few on DS, but my stupid batteries wont charge (arggggg!) I'll try again to charge the batteries later though ;) LOL