Sunday, September 16, 2007

I'm BACK! Look what I've been up to....

Well, thank God baby girl and I are almost over our colds (YAY!) but shes driving me NUTS! Why oh why does she insist on handing me EVERYTHING? (lol) its cute sometimes but not when mommy is doing something important like cooking, using the bathroom or trying to offer some advice and she screams until I take what shes offering. ((sigh))

Frugal wise-I decorated my house without spending a single dime, using things I had in my house already and I took pictures so you could see! I'm so proud of myself but had a few cramps while doing it (ouch) and had to take a few breaks. Also, had to remove the toddler from a few areas while trying my best to move this and rearrange that.....ugh.

Cooking wise-nothing exciting going on in my kitchen due to getting over my cold. Tonight I just heated up some pre-cooked pork chops (frozen from my pre-thrifty days) green beans, rolls and instant mashed potatoes. (it
was good, I swear!) LOL

Thats all on my end (boring, huh?) I'll keep you posted on my pg though-next OB appt. is september 19th :-)


La, La, La, Laini! said...

Glad everyone is doing better! DD hands me everything too. Drives me nuts! You should have taken before pics too!

Mrs.Frugal said...

LOL I realized that halfway through it~it looked so bland before.

Mary said...

Looks Good!

Glad you are feeling better!

Mrs.Frugal said...

thanks!! :-)