Monday, September 24, 2007

What to do with those (frozen) juice lids?

Make kids crafts with them!

-Make refridgerator magnets by gluing small magnets on the backs and decorate the front with the following ideas:

~paint with different colors of fabric glue

~paint on a thin layer of white glue and cover with sand. shake off excess. when dry, paste on a cutout camel or other desert animal, or small shells!

~glue on a favorite, wallet sized photo (cut to the size and shape of the lid)

~create sorting toys for younger children. save any container that has a lid (oatmeal box, large yogurt container, etc) and cut a slit in the lid. let the little ones put the juice lids in the box one at a time.

(((also taken from Miserly Mom's book)))


La, La, La, Laini! said...

I love using these for crafts! Great for making picture frame wreaths for ornaments too!

Mrs.Frugal said...

Awesome!!! I love being able to keep something & reuse it :)