Monday, August 27, 2007


Ah, now this is what I call relaxing...listening to some Lynard Skynard while my little monster dances along, looking so cute in just a fitted diaper...with the smell of my homemade brownies filling the air (mmmmm) and the security of knowing I have food in the kitchen.

On the subject of food...we went to wal-mart and did some grocery shopping and only spent $150 (including meats!) I checked labels, bought near-expiration date meats to freeze and bought nothing extra (can't say the same for DH....he bought a game, oxy-pads and something else ~sigh~) But he did choose generic roast beef for his lunch rather than the expensive stuff that he loves....hes learning!

However, I just need to complain a sec here....why is it so hard to make generic toddler snacks? All I could find snack wise was banana cookies by beechnut~I thought they'd have more of a selection. So I ended up buying a few expensive Gerber snacks....looks like its time to stock up on some gerber coupons!

Anyways, I'm off to stalk the thrifty section of one of my favorite sites...diaper-swappers :-)


Courtney said...

haha, see you're addicting to as well! I love the thrifty section and the in the kitchen section!! there's some yummy stuff in there! :)

Jenni said...

Cheap toddler snacks.....

plain cheerio's! They disolve easily, so no choking hazard and babies love em'. I buy the generic brand, of course:)

Thad and Ann said...

toddler snacks:
homemade cookies
crackers- (like ritz)

You know one of the things I detest is the preception the "food people" lol, sorry lack of better words, put out there that makes us think our toddlers need their snacks, I mean how much better is a homemede cookie that I know what is in it then some other "baby" snack that has who knows what in it KWIM? . I finally decided enough already, my kids don't need those "baby" snacks, they cost sooooo much, grrrr.

BTW, I LOVE DS trifty section too, I'm kazmoomy over there. :)

Mrs.Frugal said...

oooh good snack ideas! oh yes, the kitchen/thrifty areas are my fav DS hang-outs :-)

maybe ill make some oatmeal cookies and freeze them for snacks.

ThriftyMommy said...

Our Wal-Mart has the Parent's Choice brand. They have the banana and apple puffs and some other things. Maybe your Wal-Mart just doesn't carry them yet. Too bad b/c they are a lot cheaper.
