Monday, October 8, 2007

I heart Goodwill

We went to Goodwill today & I found:
some wooden bowls like my mamo always had for only $1 (2 of them)
a sandwich maker
shirts for my baby girl
1 shirt for my baby boy
1 shirt for myself (old navy! and only $1.50)
an apple shaped basket
a canister
a fischer price piano
2 picture frames
2 pairs baby socks (1 okie dokie brand still in the bag!)
1 pie pan .25!
1 pop up toy for dd for xmas
1 bouncing tigger for my neice
1 small pot
1 recipe box

and I got more (I think) but I cannot remember right now. HOORAY FOR GOODWILL!!!!! :-) Total was $31. They also had a recliner I wanted for only $25 but hubby wouldn't get it! Then we headed to the Dollar Tree where I got:

4 plastic cups for $1
1 travel pack snickers b/c im addicted
1 plush butterfly for dd
1 bag fall potpourri
1 huge pack of straws

I think that was it~I was looking for some Halloween stuff but didn't find anything I wanted. I will be going back there for xmas decorations though! Yes they already have them out~LOL

Friday, October 5, 2007

Gotta love Krogers :D

Mil, baby girl & I went to Krogers earlier and I got 10 little poundcakes for $10! That should kill my sweet-tooth for a little while LOL we did get lots of fruits and veggies though hehe but I just couldn't pass up a good deal ;) A tasty one at that! And although I've been being frugal, I've made a few changes to my shopping. I've been buying organic milk & lean meats and WOW its amazing......I can drink milk again without puking! And my meat goes so much farther!!!!!! WOOOHOOOOO! Its so worth the extra dollars.

Sorry I've been MIA lately~been cooped in the house so I had nothing exciting to blog about inless you wanna hear about baby girl playing with her poo, the exciting 3 loads of laundry I did and the flies that I can't get rid of LOL sooooooo interesting!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Its not time!!!!!!!

We had quite a scare last night......I started having BAD back labor that wouldn't go away. I made a rice sock and it helped a little but didn't make the pain stop, then I took a bath and got my hubby to massage my back. I was almost in tears.....and so scared but praise God it finally stopped after many many HOURS of pain :'(

This same thing happened when I was pg with my baby girl~I had to go to the hospital and get a shot of Bretene to stop the contractions. What happens is I get really addicted to ice-tea and thats all I drink. I completly forget to drink water for weeks.....and I get dehydrated and well.......this happens. :-(

Soooooooo hubby has banned me from drinking anything but water. We'd like our little guy to stay in there for 11 more wks. Anyways, it was quite a night.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Beware the MSG hiding in your fav foods!

Monday, September 24, 2007

What to do with those (frozen) juice lids?

Make kids crafts with them!

-Make refridgerator magnets by gluing small magnets on the backs and decorate the front with the following ideas:

~paint with different colors of fabric glue

~paint on a thin layer of white glue and cover with sand. shake off excess. when dry, paste on a cutout camel or other desert animal, or small shells!

~glue on a favorite, wallet sized photo (cut to the size and shape of the lid)

~create sorting toys for younger children. save any container that has a lid (oatmeal box, large yogurt container, etc) and cut a slit in the lid. let the little ones put the juice lids in the box one at a time.

(((also taken from Miserly Mom's book)))

Inexpensive Date Idea's!

(from Miserly Moms)

-Go on a walk at sunset
-Pick a handful of wild flowers for your partner
-Go for a bike ride
-Go rummage through a flea market
-Visit a local art or naturall history museum
-Go to a local bookstore's reading of poetry-or just browse
-Go stargazing
-Go on a free tour near you (winery, factory etc.)
-Take a picnic basket to a park
-Go out for coffee and dessert instead of dinner
-Go to matinees vs. nighttime shows
-Go miniature golfing
-Use two for one coupons for resturants
-When its too cold to walk outdoors, walk in a mall
-Send the kids to someones house for the night & enjoy the silence
-Put the kids back to bed early and enjoy a candlelight dinner-alone.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Shes getting cuter by the day!

(my baby girl, that is) this morning she grinned at me really big and said "wate-up momma, wate up!" (wake up) I just had to get some slobbery baby kisses for that LOL

Then she said "momma....dada.....whoagan.....bree (bree being her)" and was so proud of herself for listing off our little family. LOL

After we got up, she ran to the living room to her toy corner and searched for "PIG!" (aka, her stuffed piggy) until she found him then showered him in kisses (lol)

Ahhhhhhh the cuteness.....its killing me <3 I just wanna hug her & squeeze her every minute of the day!

In other news.....I've been having lots of braxton hicks contractions~they scared me at first then I realized that it was just my body's way of gearing up....barely 13wks to go and its looking like my body might actually go into labor on its own this time! (I hope and pray)